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ATP and, CRASHED (x3) into a ditch

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Lvl 7
3y ago

ATP (apex)

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Coty Bernier

Lvl 1
3y ago
This is a good answer, thanks!
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Elnora Hickle

Lvl 1
3y ago
awsom, thx

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Q: What product is made up by the electron transport chain?
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Related questions

What step in cellular respiration is ATP made?

All of the steps make ATP, but the one that makes the most is the third step, electron transport

What product is made by the electron transportation chain?

Adenosine triphosphate. ATP

What product is made by electrons transport chain?

Adenosine triphosphate. ATP

How many water molecules are formed in the electron transport chain?

12 water molecules are made.

What is the product made by the electron transport?

Adenosine triphosphate. ATP

Which stage of cellular respiration is water produced?

water is made during the electron transport chain (etc) phase.

Most of the NADH that delivers high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain comes from?

Most of the NADH that delivers high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain comes from the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) during cellular respiration. This cycle generates NADH as a byproduct when converting acetyl-CoA to CO2, which is then used to produce ATP in the electron transport chain.

Where is NAD made?

NADPH is made during photosynthesis after light is absorbed.

Where do electrons from the Krebs cycle go next?

Electron Transport The point of the kreb's cycle is to create energy. The energy made is in the form of ATP (Adenosinetriphosphate) which the body uses immediatley or is in the form of electrons carried by NADH or FADH2. These then go on to the electron transport chain where more molecules of ATP are created.

How do glycolysis pyruvate processing. the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain work together to provide energy for the cell?

When the cell gains gluclose, the process of glycolysis occurs and the gluclose is broken down down into pyruvate. In pyruvate processing, Acetyl CoA is produced nad then used in the Krebs Cycle. There, NADH and FADH2 are made and go to the electron transport chain, where water and ATP are made. *

What is the energy made from the electron transport system used for?


What does the electron transport produce?

The Electron Transport Chain produces ATP. Extra Information: The ATP produced by the ETC is used in the Calvin Cycle. The Calvin Cycle requires CO2 and NADPH as well for it to work. The Calvin Cycle then produces Glucose (Sugars). The left over Glucose is then used and made as Starch.