

What product to get rid of dog pee scent?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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air freshener

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Q: What product to get rid of dog pee scent?
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Get a dog. Or a neighbors dog to get the scent or let it poop or pee to mark its territory.

How can you teain your dog not to pee?

I would suggest not encouraging this. Otherwise the dog will never be able to get rid of the waste in its bladder!

How do you un pee pad train your dog I want my dog to go outside?

try putting the pee pad outside. make sure the dog knows that it's outside. every time the dog pee's in the house, you need to let the dog know that that's bad by saying no in an angry voice and putting it outside. once the dog starts peeing outside, you can get rid of the pee pad.

How do you stop your dog from peeing in the same place and getting rid of the scent?

You must use an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of the pheromone smell that is in the urine or feces. All of these types of cleaners will say "enzymatic" on the label.

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you pee it...

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pee on it

How does the excretory functions?

It gets rid of Urea. Urea is why your pee is yellow. It also gets rid of extra water. That's why pee is can mix with water. Also, your pee has bacteria in it, That's why you cant drink your own pee.

How do you remove dog urine from a wool rug?

Clean cold water and mild soap (e.g. Woolite) never hurt anything, not even a wool rug. After cleaning, get one of those enzyme solutions from the pet store designed to bond with molecules in urine. Apply this substance to the area; this will suppress the linger smell of urine that the dog would otherwise continue to notice for a long time--by getting rid of these molecules, the dog won't have the scent association with that spot as a place to pee. You can train a dog not to pee on a rug by serving the dog's food on that spot for a week or so. In the dog's mind, this area then becomes part of it's "den," and it will be less likely to pee on that spot since dogs have a strict innate separation of places to eat and sleep and places to eliminate.

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turkeys do pee. everyone has to get rid of fluid sometime. All they do is squat down and go pee.

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pee on it

In Nintendogs how do you get rid of pee on walks?

You can't

How do you get rid of stinky pee odors?

wee on it yourself