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Q: What programs did Roosevelt create that you still have today?
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Which agency created during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration is still functioning today?

The agency created during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration that is still functioning today is the Social Security Administration (SSA). It was established in 1935 as part of the New Deal reforms to provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals. The SSA continues to administer these programs and is responsible for managing the Social Security trust funds.

Is there anything like hypercard available today?

You can still get HyperCard today. They are used in programs for apple IIGS computers and iPods.

Do food delivery programs like Meals on Wheels still exist?

Meal on Wheels is one americans longest running food programs that still exist today and works hard to help out the united states and the world.

What kinds of tools and inventions did the Romans create that are still apparent today?

hammers and screw drivers

How old would Eleanor Roosevelt be if she were still alive today?

She was born in 1924, and she died in 2005. But if she were still alive in 2013, she would be 89 years old.

Do you agree with the way Eleanor Roosevelt carried out the role of First Lady or do you think she should have acted differently?

She was perfect and still a woman to be admired and to learn from today.

Do you agree with the way Eleanor roosevelt carried out the role of the first lady or do you think she should have acted differently?

She was perfect and still a woman to be admired and to learn from today.

Is DOS obsolete?

No Dos is still used in many things today. Many programs are Windows Only due to them using Dos Files.

Is all the Disney makers dead?

I can't name any by name, but no. There are still Imagineers out there who have been with Walt and helped him create Disneyland that are still alive today.

How old is Franklin Roosevelt now 2009?

franklin roosevelt would be 127 years old if he was alive today.

Apprentice person learning a job?

Yes an apprentice is a person learning a job from a master in that field. There are some jobs today that still have apprentice programs.