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Q: What promise was George HW Bush forced to break?
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What did George W. Bush promise to accomplish when he was president?

to make a chocolate house for his servents

How did President George W. Bush help Bill Clinton win the presidency in 1992?

Bush broke his promise and increased taxes. -nova net

What inspired Bush to become president?

he was pretty much forced to but he felt like it was his duty to run for president

What factor made it impossible for George H. W. Bush to keep his promise not to raise taxes?

Military Expenses

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George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!9/11George Bush!

What did Bush promise dureing the 1988 election?

The US has had two Presidents named George Bush, those being George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. So you should state which one you are asking about (although they both made similar promises, as indeed all Presidents do, to solve the problems of America).

What promise did George HW Bush make?

He famously said "read my lips: no new taxes," and then later raised taxes.

What did George h w bush promise voters during his 1988 presidential campaign?

He would not allow tax increases.

Which of these factors made it possible for George H. W. Bush to keep his promise to not raise taxes?

economic hardship in the united states

Who was president Reagan's vice president in his first term?

George HW Bush

What Is George H W Bush's Full Name?

Walker. His father was George Herbert Walker Bush. The W in George Bush's name stands for Walker.

Was Bill Clinton president before George Bush?

George H.W. Bush