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Q: What prompted the 1960s crisis?
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What event in the 1960s brought the world into nuclear war?

A nuclear war never happened. You may be thinking of the Cuban Missile Crisis when the world came very close to nuclear war.

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Inquiry is a process prompted by a question

Blank Is a process prompted by a question.?

Giving an answer is likely the process that is prompted by a question.

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The past tense of "prompt" is "prompted."

What were major issues of the 1960s?

In better detail; The Cuba Missile Crisis, the Cold War, and Fidel Castro who had seized power in Cuba. --- Cuba and the cold war, and Castro

What events led to Cuba being a dangerous part of the cold war in the early 1960s?

For the most part it was the Cuban Missile Crisis that made the country so dangerous, but events like the Invasion off Cuba didn't help.

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Sophia showed promptness by going to school on time.

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President Wilson was prompted by the refusal of Germany to halt its naval attacks.

The Mexican war was prompted by the annixation of?

I not sure but the Mexican war was prompted by the annexation of Texas. I hope this help!

What are the release dates for Prompted by Jealousy - 1913?

Prompted by Jealousy - 1913 was released on: USA: 6 January 1913

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What action prompted WHICH British Prime Minister to do WHAT?? You need to be more specific!!