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Q: What properties make acrylic suitable for a clocks base?
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What is base in paints?

Base is the main constituent of paints, ie synthetic polymers such as acrylic, vinyl acrylic, styrene acrylic, etc. as binders.[

What is the difference between acrylic water base and acrylic polymer paint?

I think acrylic waterbase is hydrophilic whilst acrylic polymer paint is hydrophobic

Is styrene acrylic paint a latex base?

No, it's not a latex base.

Is acrylic paint is water or oil base?

Any paint that has the word 'acrylic' in the title is usually water based.

What are available colors in acrylic base color?

black blue

Is alkali and base have same properties?

yes alkali and base have same properties

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Can you paint acrylic enamel paint over base coat paint?

If the base coat used in your project is water base then yes, you bet you can. If there is any chance that the base coat used was an oil base paint then you cannot paint directly over it. The acrylic enamel will not adhere to the oil base paint and will begin to peel off as soon as it is dry. In which case a coat of primer is in order.

Will acrylic paint stick to oil base paint?

Don't mix them, your inviting trouble

Can you mix acrylic paint and satin paint?

If they are both of the same base you can. Satin paint can be an acrylic or a latex,or an oil. Check on the can cleaning instructions for base. Jason Pollock used both in his work 'Bluepoles' which hangs in the Canberra museum I think

Do these four properties describe an acid or a base?

Neither, there are no associated properties.