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Q: What properties or tests are used to diagnose lupus?
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What is ANA in science?

ANA stands for 'antinuclear antibody'. ANA tests are used to diagnose autoimmune disorders such as lupus.

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Blood test and also they will show in an x-ray.

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Urine tests will detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

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What blood test tube is used to test for lupus?

A variety of blood tests are used to help diagnose lupus but there is no single marker. Examination of blood cells (red, white, platelets) is usually performed. Lupus patients may be anemic, have low white counts, or be low on platelets. A metabolic panel will be done to rule out other diseases or conditions that have symptoms similar to lupus. Sedimentation rate, CRP and ferratin tests will reveal inflammation inside the body. FANA ( fluoresecnt antinuclear antibody), anti double stranded DNA. anti Smith, LE prep, and other autoantibody screenings may be performed. Tests for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome may also be performed. There is no definitive test. 10 million Americans have a positive ANA, but only about 1.5 million have lupus. Of the 1.5 million people with lupus 95-98% will have a negative ANA. The other tests present the same problems. If a person has a positive antiSmith then they do have lupus. But a large percentage of lupus patients do not have this antibody. All in all, there are 118 autoantibodies that may or may not be present.

Why are tests not used for RMSF?

There are tests to diagnose RMSF, but these are performed in only a few laboratories. Because the results of these tests take so long to obtain, they are seldom used. This is because delaying treatment is the main cause of death in patients with RMSF

What properties or tests are used to diagnose ADHD?

Usually a trained psychologist will take an extended life and family history. This will include questionnaires for you, your family, ect. For me I also took a 20 min computerized test that tested attention and impulsivity. (it really isn't fun)

What tests are used to confirm parrot fever?

Blood tests for antibodies, usually complement fixation or immunofluorescence tests. The organism is difficult to culture. A chest x ray can diagnose pneumonia caused by C. psittaci.