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The property of color.

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Q: What property can be used only for a few minerals?
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Related questions

What is is considered a special property that applies to only a few minerals?

There are a number of properties which are considered to be a special property that applies to only a few minerals. Some of them include magnetism, optical and florescence properties.

Which is considered a special property that applies to only a few minerals?

Fluorescence is a special property that only applies to a few minerals. It refers to the ability of a mineral to emit visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light.

What is the difference between a primary diagnostic and a special property of a mineral?

A primary property is one that all minerals possess, whereas a special property is found in only one or a few minerals.

What properties of minerals are considered special properties that apply to only a few minerals?

Those would be properties like magnetism, fluorescence, triboluminescence.

Does pork have any minerals?

Yes but only a few

Why does the mineral magnetite stick to magnet?

Magnetite is one of the few minerals that possesses the mineral property called magnetism.

What are the few minerals in the world?

There are hundreds of minerals in the world.

Is magnetism a common property of metals?

No. Only a few metals can be made magnetic

Where can you find a good property manager in Chicago?

We have used Distinctively Chicago Property Management Firm for a few years and they are great.

What property is the least useful in identifying minerals?

there are a few : hardness, luster, cleavage, streak, color, and density. there are more but i don't know them off the top of my head.

How many minerals does water have?

Dilstilled water has no minerals. There should only be Hydrogen and Oxygen. Most tap water contains Calcium, Lime, Fluoride, and a few other unimportant elements.

Which makes up most minerals-single elements or compound?

Most minerals are compounds, made up of two or more elements. Very few minerals are composed of only a single element, such as native copper or gold. The majority of minerals form through complex chemical reactions involving multiple elements.