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Q: What property ls Burning popcorn and making water?
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What does popcorn have to do with chemistry?

The water inside of the popcorn hull converts to steam, making the hull explode @ 135psi and @ 180*C. Popcorn then is relatively 40times the size it was. Mcdonalds

Is there really water in popcorn kernels?

All popcorn contain a small amount of water. When the popcorn gets heated the water inside the popcorn kernel turns to steam. The steam then starts to pressure the kernel shell and soon bursts making the kernel inside out, and the soft stuff inside the kernel puffs.

Is burning hydrogen a chemical property?

yes! it changes it into something else water.

How hydrogen fuel engine work?

By burning the hydrogen and making water.

What is the percentage of water in a popcorn kernel?

The average percent of water in popcorn kernels is around 13-14%.

Is it possible to pop every kernel in popcorn without burning it if so how?

No, some kernels don't have enough water inside. Without that, they won't pop.

Which property of water helps in fire estinguishing?

The water has a very high heat capacity as it evaporates, rapidly cooling the burning materials.

How does coal burning create energy?

the heat from the burning coal heats water which rises through a tube making a current and turning turbines

Why is popcorn always packaged in glass or plastic?

Popcorn kernels have water inside. if the water dries out, it won't pop.

Is a plant making sugar out of water and carbon dioxide a physical property?

No. It is a chemical change.

Can you lose a pound in a day by having only popcorn and water?

By eating butter free popcorn.

What phase change is popcorn cooking?

The corn crackles and expands as the water is evaporated by heating - Hence Popcorn.