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The property is hardness.

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Q: What property of a mineral being able to scratch another substance is known as color hardness crystal shape luster?
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Related questions

Which mineral property depends on bond type and the spacing of atoms within the crystal?

The hardness, density, and crystal structure.

Is crystal shape a physical property?

Yes it is, along with color, streak, luster, density, and hardness.

Does the Mohs scale help scientists identify the crystal shape of a mineral?

The Mohs scale is used to identify the mineral property of hardness only.

How do you account the differences in hardness of the crystal?


What is one physical property other than hardness that may add to the beauty of a gemstone?

They are found in thick layers of rock that squeeze carbon atoms into tight strong crystal. :]

How do you identify a mineral or crystal?

You can use hardness(Moh's Hardness Scale), luster, shape, and fracture to identify quartz.

Can you cut crystal with a knife?

There are many different materials which can be described as crystal, and they do not all have the same hardness, but in general, no, you cannot cut crystal with a knife.

Is common salt crystal a pure substance?

salt crystal is a pure substance hope this helps xx

What is a property of a material that is not linked to it reacting with other materials?

physical properties like melting and boiling points, hardness, crystal lattice of ionic substances, density, atomic weight, colour, elasticity, magnetism etc.

What is genuine crystal?

a crystal is solid substance which consist of no. of unit cells

What are the 5 characteristics for a mineral?

1.Color 2.Luster 3.Crystal Shape 4.Flourscent 5.Hardness 6.Density

Which principle is used in a piezo-eletric property of a crystal?

the piezo-eletric property of a crystal is the principle of quartz clock