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Q: What pulse is palpated behind the knee?
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What pulse is felt behind the knee?

The popliteal pulse is felt behind the knee.

Where is the popliteal pulse located?

The popliteal pulse is located behind the knee.

What is a popliteal pulse?

Place your index finger at the inferior, posterior edge of the medial ankle. Place your middle and ring finger in a line between this point and the heel of the foot.

What two sites can a central pulse be palpated?

Femoral and carotid

What pulses can be palpated in the wrist?

Only one pulse is found near the wrist, this is called the radial pulse.

What pulse point should be palpated when assessing an unconscious victim?


Where is the superficial pulse point that may be readily palpated?

pressure point

Is a popliteal pulse felt above the femur?

No, in the popliteal fossa. Go behind the knee.

Where is the femoral artery located?

The femoral pulse may be palpated at the juncture of the thigh and the pelvis, bear the femoral condyle, patient front.

What is the pulse in the leg called?

The leg has several pulses. The pulse in the groin fold is the femoral artery. The pulse felt behind the knee is the popliteal pulse. The pulses in the feet are the dorsalis pedis and the posterior tibial pulse.

Where would you find a stroke victims pulse?

Same place you would find a pulse on anyone else. Side of neck, wrist, behind the knee, on the ankle...

Name of the thumb pulse?

The neck pulse is the corotid pulse; the wrist pulse is the radial pulse; the arm pulse is the brachial pulse. it seems that the pulses are named according to the artery palpated; therefore, your thumb pulse must be your princeps pollicis pulse. this is an educated guess.