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USPS two letter codes, which are the most commonly used state abbreviations nowadays, don't use any punctuation.

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Q: What punctuation is used in a state abbreviation in a sentence?
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Do you need punctuation after the word dr?

Yes, you should include a period after the abbreviation "Dr." when it is used at the end of a sentence, in order to indicate that the sentence has ended. "Dr." is an abbreviation for "Doctor," so it functions like any other abbreviation in terms of punctuation rules.

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The appropriate punctuation for "Inc." is a period (.) after the abbreviation.

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Any end punctuation will work depending on the sentence.

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Use periods to indicate that each letter in an abbreviation stands for a separate word.

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Terminal punctuation marks are used at the end of a sentence, such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Internal punctuation marks are used within a sentence, such as commas, semicolons, and colons.

Do the abbreviation of the 50 states have periods after the abbreviation?

No, the U.S. Postal Service does not want ANY punctuation used when addressing mail in the U.S.

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A period is used in the sentence "the sun is" to indicate the end of a statement.

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A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness, while a comma is a punctuation mark used to separate parts of a sentence.

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a period would be after initials to show that it is an abbreviation therefore a period is used so what

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No, periods at the end of a sentence do not count as a separate word. They are punctuation marks used to indicate the end of a sentence.

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The punctuation mark used between elements of a sentence that are in contrast with each other is the dash (-) or the em dash (—).

Does one punctuate BA?

No, "BA" is typically used as an acronym and does not require punctuation. However, if it is used as part of a sentence, appropriate punctuation should be included at the end of the sentence.