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Q: What punctuation mark should you use To set off a quote inside a quote?
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If you quote someone in the middle of a sentence do you include a period at the end of the quote?

If you have a quote in the middle of the sentence then don't put a period there, put a comma, an exclamation mark, or a question mark. If it is at the end of a sentence then put a period inside the quotation marks.

If there is a punctuation mark such as a question mark inside the speech marks in direct speech do you still have to add a comma after that punctuation?

No, you do not need to add a comma after a punctuation mark inside the speech marks in direct speech. The punctuation mark inside the speech marks serves the same function as it would outside of them.

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what punctuation mark placed after a greeting in email

How do you end a quote?

You can end a quote with a quotation mark. If the quote continues in the same paragraph, a comma is typically placed before the closing quotation mark. If the quote is a complete sentence, the ending punctuation (like a period or question mark) comes before the closing quotation mark.

Witch punctuation mark should be used in social security number?

The punctuation mark that should be used in the social security number is the hyphen.

What punctuation mark should follow such as?

a comma (,)

What is the rule regarding the relative placement of a quote mark to other punctuation at the end of a sentence?

Generally, punctuation marks such as periods and question marks will precede the final quotation mark at the end of the sentence.

What do you do if the end of a quote is inside quotation marks?

If the end of a quote is inside quotation marks, you can add the punctuation mark (such as a comma or period) after the closing quotation mark. This is the standard practice for punctuation when quoting someone in writing.

Where do you put the period in a quote?

In American English, the period typically goes inside the closing quotation mark. For example, "This is a quote." In British English, the period goes outside the closing quotation mark. For example, "This is a quote".

What punctuation mark should be placed in the sentence may you request?

A question mark.

Is it called a punctuation mark or a pronunciation mark?

It is called a punctuation mark. Punctuation marks are used in writing to help convey meaning and indicate pauses, emphasis, or structure within sentences. Pronunciation marks are not commonly used terminology in language and grammar.

What are the terminal and internal punctuation mark?

Terminal punctuation marks are used at the end of a sentence, such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Internal punctuation marks are used within a sentence, such as commas, semicolons, and colons.