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Q: What punishment do you get for an adult hitting a minor?
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What is a simple assault charge and punishment for a minor in Mississippi?

The charge of simple assault is the same whether you are a minor or an adult. There are no "special" offense charges for minors. The only difference is in how you are handled by the legal system. As for the punishment - there is no way to know. It is completely dependent on the seriousness of the offense, and what your past history might be.

Can a Parent of an Adult file civil suit against an minor for gifts the adult gave the minor?

No. You play no part in the adult giving a gift to the minor.

Can an adult hit an emancipated kid?

No. Intentionally striking another person is a crime, regardless of age or legal status. There is a narrow exception for parents to spank their minor children, but hitting an emancipated adult generally doesn't fall into this exception anyway.

In Alabama If your a minor and you have a baby are you legally an adult?

No. You are a minor with a baby. 18 is the age you become an adult.

Is throwing an object by a minor at another minor and hitting them considered assault?

No. Throwing an object an hitting another person is battery. Throwing it and missing them would be considered assault.

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What is the minimum punishment for the person who drives the car and hits the person and the person dies?

you get 10 pts for hitting a kid. 50 pts for an adult. 100 pts for an old person. 150 pts for a person in a wheel chair.

What trouble can a minor get in if he hits an adult And the minor is 17?

He will probably be charged as an adult and face trial for assault and battery.

If minor has parent permission and gets pregnant by an adult?

A parent that gives permission for a minor to have sex with an adult is committing a crime, as is the adult with whom the minor has sex. Think about it. If it is okay for a parent to give permission for a minor to have sex with an adult, at what age is ok? 15? 12? 10? What about 4 or 5? It is the responsibility of the parent to protect their minor child.

4th degree charge for hitting girlfriend what is the punishment?

He could do some jail time!

When did corporal punishment start in the US?

Corporal punishment is punishing the body: spanking, hitting, etc. It has been here as long as there have been people here.

Results of a minor being pregnant by an adult?

Hopefully, a lawsuit by the parents of the the case that the intercourse was not consentual. If the minor WANTED to have sex with the adult, there is really nothing the parents can do.