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Q: What pushes the weather fronts from west to east in North America?
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Weather fronts in North America are pushed from west to east by what?


Almost all weather fronts in north america are pushed from west to east by the?

Jet streams.

What are common fronts in North America?

Colliding air masses in North America can form 4 types of fronts: cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts.

N North America in what direction do cold and warm fronts tend to move?

In North America cold and warm fronts move from west to east.

Why does weather fronts comminly form in the central US?

Weather Fronts commonly form in the central area of the United States because it is the central area between both the north and south pole. Due to this, cold and warm fronts meet and cause storms to occur.

What is the weather in North America?

The weather in North America ranges from freezing cold to burning hot. It is the only continent in the world to have all the different types of weather.

What is the weather like in South America in summer?

when it summer in north america its winter in south america and when its winter in north america its summer in south america.

What area of north America has the coldest weather?


Is there a place in North America where the weather is always constant?


What ocean current most affects the weather in north America?

The Ocean Current that most affects the weather in North America is probably the EL NINO or the UPWELLING Currents.

What extreme weather conditions could happen in north America?

Well, 'extreme weather conditions' already occur in North America... from snow blizzards and below zero temps... to droughts and over 100 degree temps. Add to that tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding... North America has quite variable weather patterns and weather occurrences.

Where is the weather most unpredictable?

in North America, especially in the USA