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Most of the liver is in Right Upper Quadrant, but a small part is in Left Upper Quadrant.

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Q: What quadrant contains the right lobe of the liver?
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What is the largest lobe of the liver?

the largest lobe of the liver is the right lobe.

What abdominal region contains the right lobe of the liver?

No. The liver is located in at least 2 areas and in 3 depending on which text you read. The two areas all text agree on is the Right Hypochondriac and the Epigastric region while some also include the Left Hypochondriac as well. The inguinal region is a sub cavity of the Pelvic region and is just above the Pubic region. Commonly referred to as the groin area.

What are the names of the 3 lobes of a frogs liver?

A frog has three lobes on its liver. They are called the right lobe, the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe.There are three lobes in the frog's liver. They are known as the right lobe, left posterior lobe and the left anterior lobe.

What are the names of the lobes of a frog liver?

The right lobe, the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe.

How many parts does the frog's liver have?

three, they are the: right lobe the left anterior lobe, and the left posterior lobe

Under which lobe of the liver is the gallbladder located?

Well, the gallbladder is attached to the liver via the hepatic duct.

What are the names of the four lobes of the liver?

Following are the names of the 3 lobe liver of a frog such as: 1. right anterior 2. left anterior 3. left posterior

Biliary drainage of caudate lobe of human liver?

Caudate lobe drains into Left and Right Hepatic ducts; don't get confused with the Quadrate lobe of the liver which drains only into the Left hepatic duct.

What are 6 lobes in cats liver?

right and left medial lobes, the right and left lateral lobes, the quadrate lobe, and the caudate lobe

Can you transplant an entire liver?

It depends. There are 2 sections of the liver that can be used for donation, the left lobe (40% of the liver) and the right lobe (60%). In a cadaver/deceased donor the doctors will usually give an adult transplant patient the whole liver. There have been cases where the left lobe, the smaller side, of a cadaver donor has been given to a child recipient and the right lobe went to an adult. There is also the case of living liver donation where a living person donates a section of their liver to a recipient. If the recipient is a child then the left lobe is donated, if the recipient is an adult it is the right lobe that is donated. For the living donor, their donated section of liver will grow back in about 3-8 weeks.

Why is the left ureter longer than the right?

The right ureter is lower (liver) so the right ureter is shorter. right?