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Q: What qualities of Igneous rocks make them good for tools and buildings?
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What characteristics make igneous rocks useful?

Many igneous rocks are hard, dense, and durable. This makes them great for tools and building materials.

What qualities of igneous rocks have long made them useful for tools igneous rock?

Extrusive igneous rock: Obsidian. Quality of conchoidal fracture making them easily workable to a sharp edge for cutting tools or weapon points. Intrusive igneous rock: Granite. Quality of durability due to high crystalline quartz and feldspar mineral mix. Also beauty. Harder to work, but a great, long lasting building stone.

Why are Igneous Rocks used in tools?

Obsidian when knapped would have the sharpest cutting tool edge of any igneous rock.

What qualities of igneous rocks have long made them useful for tools and building?

Extrusive igneous rock: Obsidian. Quality of conchoidal fracture making them easily workable to a sharp edge for cutting tools or weapon points. Intrusive igneous rock: Granite. Quality of durability due to high crystalline quartz and feldspar mineral mix. Also beauty. Harder to work, but a great, long lasting building stone.

Why are igneous rocks useful?

Igneous rocks are important to science because scientist need to know about all the different types of things in our world today. The reason also because igneous rocks come from volvanoe and the stuff that comes out of a volcanoe is called LAVA /MAGma!

What qualities of igneous rock have made them useful tools?

there are several uses of igneous rocks includingpumice being used as an abrasives in industrial hand cleaners or for sanding materialsobsidian being used in the same way as flint where it can be napped into arrow heads and blades and more recently used in high end scalpels

Why have people throughout history used igneous rocks for tools and building materials?

People have used igneous rock for tools because of its strength and workability; for building materials due to its beauty, strength and availability.

Do use igneous rocks for tools?

Yes. Obsidian in particular has been used to make tips for arrows and spears.

What is a igneous rock used for building material?

Because they are so hard, Igneous rocks make useful road building materials. When sheets of igneous rock are cut and polished, they are used inside buildings such as banks and offices, and are also used as gravestones. There are different types of igneous rock, therefore each type has its own uses e.g: Granite: Used for long lasting monuments, for trim and decoration on buildings. Pumice: Because they are so light, it is used quite often as a decorative landscape stone. If grounded to a powder, it is used as an abrasive in polish compounds and in Lava soap. Crystalline Igneous rocks can be used for jewelery and other similar things.

Do people use igneous rocks for tools?

Yes. Obsidian in particular has been used to make tips for arrows and spears.

Why might incas have chosen igneous rock to build their fortress near Ollantaytambo in Peru?

Many igneous rocks are hard, dense, and durable. People throughout history have used igneous rock for tools and building materials.

Why might the Incas have chosen igneous rock to build their fortress near Ollantaytambo in Peru?

Many igneous rocks are hard, dense, and durable. People throughout history have used igneous rock for tools and building materials.