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Q: What quality control procedures need to be followed during the assembly operations?
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What is materials control?

Material control is a system of controls that is set up to monitor the purchase and storage of materials for a business. It also tracks the use of materials so a proper inventory can be kept. These control systems also have procedures in place to minimize waste.

What is mud conditioning?

Mud conditioning is a term used in well drilling operations. It is simply, the treatment and control of drilling mud to ensure proper gel strength, viscosity, density etc.

Assembly Line Worker?

A couple of images immediately come to mind when you say assembly line worker. First, you see Henry Ford, the father of the assembly line, and workers building the Model T at the Ford Plant in Michigan. Next, an episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy scrambles frantically to keep up with the increasing speed of a conveyor belt while trying to box chocolate candy at the chocolate factory. Those images are stereotypes and are far from the duties of today’s assembly line worker. An assembly line worker is much more likely to work in a technical environment and possess excellent skills in a given field. Jobs such as computer assembly and building a complex guidance system for the military require special skills for workers who are part of an assembly line. There is much more to the job than simply turning a screw every five seconds as a part moves down a conveyor belt. Assembly line workers often need extensive training and may need to attend school to further their knowledge before being able to qualify for some assembly line jobs. A skilled assembly line worker, depending on the company he or she hopes to work for, can easily earn $20.00 per hour to begin and the rate can go up quickly from there. The automobile industry, despite its recent troubles, is still one of the key employers of assembly line workers. Not only do they pay their employees above average wages, they also offer some very desirable benefits. Assembly Line Workers may or may not be asked to be part of a Union. Paying Union dues may reduce the net earnings of the worker, but, it also helps add job security and fair treatment in the workplace. Other fields where there is a need for assembly line workers include the food industry, light manufacturing and some other areas where creativity and the human touch are important. While such work may seem boring and repetitive, today’s more progressive companies recognize the need to keep workers interested in their jobs and rotate people so they work on different steps of the assembly process. You might start by sorting, move to soldering, than to final assembly and finally to inspection and quality control. A career as an assembly line worker can be both interesting and rewarding.

Steps in production planning and control?

a-planning,b-routing,c-scheduling,d-loading,e-dispatching,f-follow up,g-inspection1. PlanningThe first important step inis concerned with the careful preparation of production plans. Production plans determine what will be produced and where, at what type, by whom, and how. For detailed planning of operations, the relevant information may be obtained from several sources in the enterprise. Information about quantity and quality of products to be manufactured may be obtained from customers' orders and the sales budget, and information about production facilities may be obtained from the management and the engineering department. Thus, the planning function formulates production plans, and translates them into requirements for men, machinery and materials. Whatever be the planning period, helps in avoiding randomness in production, providing regular and steady flow of production activities, utilizing production facilities to its maximum for minimizing operating costs and meeting delivery schedules; coordinating various departments of the enterprise for maintaining proper balance of activities, and above all, providing the basis for control in the enterprise.2. RoutingThe next important function of production planning and control is routing which involves the determination of the path (i.e. route) of movement of raw materials through various machines and operations in the factory. "Routing includes the planning of where and by whom work shall be done, the determination of the path that work shall follow, and the necessary sequence of operations". To find this path, emphasis is placed on determining operating data, which usually includes planning of 'where' and 'by whom' work should be done, the determinations of the path that work shall follow, and the necessary sequence of operations. These operating data are contained in the standard process sheet which helps in making out a routing in the standard process sheet which helps in making out a routing chart showing the sequence of operations and the machines to be used. If the machine loan chart indicates the non-availability of certain machines, alternate routing may also be included on the routing chart. The most efficient routing may have to be compromised with the availability of the machines at a particular time. In other words, "routing establishes the operations, their path and sequence, and the proper class of machines and personnel required for these operations." From the above, it can be inferred that routing is one of the highly essential elements and prime considerations of production control because many production control functions are closely related processes and are dependent on routing functions. Thus, it is essential to solve the different problems concerning: appropriate personnel; ; and.4. SchedulingScheduling is planning the time element of production - i.e. prior determination of "when work is to be done". It consists of the starting and completion times for the various operations to be performed. In other words, scheduling function determines when an operation is to be performed, or when work is to be completed, the difference lies in the details of the scheduling procedure. To work out effectively, the scheduling, as a part of , determines the time when each operation called for on the route sheet is to be done on the specified machine in order to meet the desired delivery dates. Good control function directs not only the time that each particular operation should start but also indicates the progress of each manufacturing part, the amount of work ahead of each machine, and the availability of each machine for the assignment of new work. Schedules are of two types: Master schedule and Detailed schedule. Activities, if recorded on plant-wise basis, would be preparing master schedule, while mere detailed schedules are employed to plan the manufacturing and assembly operations required for each product.5. Dispatching* Dispatching is the part of production control that translates the paper - work into actual production. It is the group that coordinates and translates planning into actual production. Dispatching function proceeds in accordance with the details worked out under routing and scheduling functions. As such, dispatching sees to it that the material is moved to the correct work place, that tools are ready at the correct place for the particular operations, that the work is moving according to routing instructions. Dispatching carries out the physical work as suggested by scheduling. Thus, dispatching implies the issuance or work orders. These work orders represent authority to produce. These orders contain the following information: * The name of the product; * The name of the part to be produced, sub-assembly or final assembly; * The order number; * The quantity to be produced; * Descriptions and numbers of the operations required and their sequence, * The departments involved in each operation * The tools required for particular operation; and * Machines involved in each operation and starting dates for the operations.6. ExpeditingExpedition or follow-up is the last stage in the process of production control. This function is designed to keep track of the work effort. The aim is to ensure that what is intended and planned is being implemented. "Expediting consists in reporting production data and investigating variances from predetermined time schedules. The main idea behind expedition is to see that promise is backed up by performance". It includes the following functions:* Check-up to ensure that all materials, tools, component parts, and accessories are available at all work centers in specified quantities for starting and carrying out manufacturing operations. * Check-up on the status of work-in-progress and completed work at various work stations. This includes collecting information relating to the starting and completion time and date of work completed, status of work-in-progress relative to scheduled completion dates, position of movements of materials, component parts, and sub-assemblies within the plant, and inspection results. * Preparation of progress records and keeping the control boards up-to-date. * Reporting to manufacturing management on all significant deviations so that corrective action may be taken. It also includes reporting to production planning department so that future plans may be adjusted. Thus production planning and control by completing the above discussed phases ensures the manufacturing of goods of right quality, quantity and at competitive market rates. One thing must be borne in mind that production planning and control is a never-ending process, and its various functions are inter-dependent.

What are the differences between Taylorism and Fordism?

Taylorism is modern, scientific management, which is the bedrock of both corporate workplace control and big business marketing. See Peter F. Drucker on this topic.Fordism is an academic concept that credits Henry Ford with inventing the assembly line and suppposedly trying to over-pay his workers. Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. Though he paid comparatively high wages, he worked his employees so hard that he actually made greatly increased profits for himself. Fordism is thus a vacuous and misleading concept.

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