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1. wanna see my scar/rash/pimple?

2. How much money do you make?

3. Do you put out?

General tips: Don't ask many questions in the first place. Let her do the talking and only ask questions regarding whatever she's talking about. It makes it look like you're interested (which you should be) and it's much easier anyhow.

If she's the shy/quiet type, generic topics (school, work, the party, weather) are great ice breakers

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Q: What question's not to ask a girl you met for the first time?
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What questions to ask a girl you met for first time?

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What to ask a girl for the first time?

I always introduce myself first, then ask her name.

What do you do when you think a girl is cute?

Walk right up and talk to her. Ask her questions about herself. Learn about her. Then, next time you talk to her, ask more questions that show you listened the first time (i.e. "How is your brother?" shows that you listened when you asked "How many kids are in your family?") If you think she's cute ask to get to know her better or just ask her out!

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If it's a girl, ask them how their doing and what they like in a guy/girl. If it's a guy ask them what their favorite hobby is and what sport/subject is.

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Get to know her, ask her questions.

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You talk to her first and get to know her then ask her when the time is right.

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What type of things are they interested in .What do they like to do in their free time .What do they look for in a guy .Are they looking for a friend or a relationship .What is most important to them .Ask about their background etc .

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Don't be shy! Be confident and chatty, ask her questions to make her talk about herself so she thinks you're lovely

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you can ask him how he has been since the last time you saw him or how his family is

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Ask yourself this question. . .how did you get her the first time?

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Just be polite? There is nothing worse than someone being unpolite to women, so watch those manners and you'll be fine (:----

When did the first major battle happen?

Lost in time. Please ask sensible questions.