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Q: What question can be answered by trying out unique clothing styles?
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You have answered your own question. He is trying to get your attention.

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The devices mentioned in the question can be arragned in many configurations. Without knowing what you are trying to do, this question can not be answered.

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It is a question that has not been answered; a puzzle that has not been solved.

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You can post a message on the message board of the one who answered the question and tell them that, while you appreciate the answer they gave, they misunderstood your question. Then try explaining to them what you were actually trying to ask.

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Stop trying to confuse this question. It should be answered.

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This question is too vague to be answered. Does this relate to attiude towards competitors, attitude towards customers, business relationships or something else??? Can you please repost this question with a clearer message of what you are trying to understand.

When was Roman clothes invented?

The question cannot be answered directly, because the clothing that was worn by the Romans will have developed over a period of time. Early Romans will have dressed according to their traditions and studying the culture of the Romans would be a good starting point when trying to find out when and how their garments were designed.

Do girls like a guy who looks good only in wet seal?

Wet Seal is a fashion clothing company that specializes in women clothing. Guys clothing stores that have great styles are Express Men, Abercrombie, Buckle, Gap. Depending on your style and age ranges. If you prefer tight fitting clothing, recommend trying out clothing at Pacsun, or any skate/punk stores.

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The question cannot be answered because it does not state clearly what the 81 refer to and what you are trying to find.

Why does this site answer your question with a question?

Sometimes it is because the person that asked the question in the first place is answering it by adding questions to their first question. And some people do it because they aren't trying to be helpful, but trying to be unaccommodating.

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You really answered your question with your question, but that's only part of it. The other reason was to maximize the amount of available day light hours.