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A pride of lions is usually composed of related females, under the guardianship of an alpha male. The number depends on the availability of prey in the prides territory. Once male cubs reach puberty (and likely to pose a challenge to the leadership of the alpha male) they are driven out from the pride. Therefore, the ratio is very variable.

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Q: What ratio of lions and lioness while breeding?
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Yes but this happens only once in a while.

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The average gestation period for Lions is around 110 days. The female gives birth to a litter of one to four cubs in a secluded den usually away from the rest of the pride. She will often hunt by herself while the cubs are still helpless, staying relatively close to the thicket or den where the cubs are kept. After a few weeks she will rejoin the Pride along with her cubsOn average, a lioness stays pregnant for 110 days.

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The common name would be 'selective breeding'.

What is the name for a castrated male lion?

A Male lion is simply called a lion.A Female lion is called a lioness.Lions. The females are called lioness'

What is a male lion's job?

The male lion, while the lioness hunts for food, protects the pack. e.g marking it teritory!