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Q: What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids?
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What reason ponyboy give to randy for going into the church?

Ponyboy says that the reason he went to church to save the kids is that he might have been the cause of the fire because he smoked in there and had left his lighter there.

What was ponys reaction when randy talked about jonny the outsiders?

Ponyboy started yelling at Randy saying you don't know what i have been going through.

Ponyboy has a surprise visitor at home who was that?

it was randy. randy is one of the socs he wanted to talk to pony about the court that they will be going to the next day because of bobs murder

Who told ponyboy that he was not going to go to the fight?

Randy (a soc) told Ponyboy that he wasn't going to the fight because either way people were going to get hurt and it wasn't going to resolve anything. "Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs" ~Sarah

What did randy discover in his conversation with ponyboy?

The conversation Randy had with Ponyboy was about how Randy wasn't gonna be in the big upcoming rumble. He said he wasn't gonna be in the rumble because he didn't wanna risk getting someone killed or injured. He said instead he would get in his mustang and drive someplace far. Also he was telling Ponyboy how he wouldn't have never helped the little kids that Ponyboy and Johnny risked their life then Pony boy was telling Randy he might have helped them and how it's the individual person that matters.

What two strange tings does ponyboy tell randy?

that he lives with his brothers, and his parents are dead

Where were Ponyboy and two-bit going when they saw the blue mustang?

To go to a grocery store or go for a walk but they meet up with Randy

What is Jerry physical description in the outsiders?

Jerry Wood is the man by the fire at the church who tries to stop Ponyboy and Johnny from going in. Also, the man who is in the ambulance and hospital alongside Ponyboy.

Who acquitted ponyboy in the outsiders?

The judge is the person who acquitted Ponyboy in The Outsiders. Ponyboy had to testify in court about the death of his good friend Johnny.

Ponyboy and Johny acted heroically?

Yes, Ponyboy and Johnny acted heroically in the book. They both jumped into a burning church and saved the kids trapped their. They both got hurt in the process.

What happened during the church on fire the outsiders?

ponyboy goes in and johny right after him to get him. and johny get burned and dally goes and get himactually, thts not exactly it ^_^There are children having a school picnic at the church, when it starts on fire ): johnny and ponyboy are heroic enough to jump inside and save the little kids, they save them, but johhny and ponyboy themselves, get injured.i hope this helps, need anything else on the book?email me at v_vbaseball.girl26@yahoo.comorgrandersongirl28@yahoo.comorjonasbrothermusic08@yahoo.comloveee

How does johnny gets hurt?

Johnny gets hurt in the outsiders by coming back to the church after going out to Dairy Queen. The church has caught on fire by accident, and some of the children from the picnic was in there, so with out thinking twice, Johnny and Ponyboy went in to get the kids. The kids were yeeted(thrown) out the window. Then, the roof started caving in, so Johnny pushed Ponyboy out and he was too late, and got hit by a flaming log thing.