

What receives food from the esophagus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What receives food from the esophagus?
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Explain why it is correct to say that the air and food passages cross in the pharynx?

The esophagus receives food and the larynx receives air. Since esophagus lies behind the larynx, the food and the air passage are said to cross in the pharynx.

What is the food passageway posterior to the larynx?

The esophagus is the food passageway posterior to the larynx.

What happens to food when it goes down the esophagus?

the food is then forced down the esophagus.

Tube carrying food from the mouth to he stomach?

The digestive system the esophagus. Food goes from your mouth and goes down your esophagus then to the stomach blood goes around the food and the liver takes what the blood absorbed down

Passageway for food that is behind the trachea?

The esophagus is the tube from pharynx to stomach.

What regulates the passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach?

esophagus helps digest food

When the food has been swallowedit passes to?

After food has been swallowed, it passes from the pharynx to the esophagus. The esophagus carries the food to the stomach.

Is the esophagus the organ through which swallowed food pushes?

Yes, the esophagus carries food from your mouth to your stomach.

What is the function of the esophagus in sharks?

the esophagus it a tube like food passage it takes food down into the stomach

What should you do if you get food stuck in your esophagus?

I think you mean your esophagus, and if you get food stuck in there then you should do the Heimlich Maneuver!

What is the main functions of the esophagus?

The esophagus takes the food from the mouth to the stomach. Food moves through the esophagus by peristalsis, which is muscle contractions the pushes the food downward. At the end of the esophagus is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which prevents food from re-entering the esophagus after it's reached the stomach.

What goes through your esophagus?

The food that that you chew is what goes down your esophagus.