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Capital Spending.

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Q: What refers to money spent by business for an item that will be used over a long period on time?
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Related questions

What do you call money spent for business?

Business expense.

What does the term cash flow refer to?

Cash flow refers to both money being spent and money earned for a business or an individual's personal finances. A positive cash flow is when you are earning more money than pay out.

Which term refers to the money that will need to be spent by each agency?


Cost of revenue?

The cost of revenue is the money spent to make profit for a business. All business have to spend money to make money.

What are the difference between the import expenditure and the export expenditure in the economy?

Import expenditure refers to the money spent on imported goods. It is an expenditure because it refers to capital outflow. Export expenditure is the money spent on semi-finished goods, used for export.

How much money is spent in the firearms business each year?

Hundreds of millions.

Why is it important for a business to control its costs?

A business does not want to lose money. It could easily be forced to cease operations if the money being spent is more than what is coming in.

What is a overhead?

It could be a ceiling, or the money regularly spent on the day-to-day operational costs of your business.

Why is deflation destructive to the nation's economy?

Not enough money is spent to keep business activity moving

How much money per year does Sony spend on promotion?

Sony spent US$1.041 billion on advertising in 2012, according to an article from Business Insider. Of this money, US$564 was spent on television commercials.

What exactly is technology optimization?

Business Technology Optimization is a strategy for businesses to ensure that money is well spent on technology. It does this by allocating money based on business priorities, automating processes and measuring IT effectiveness.

How much money is spent on cosmetic dentistry each year in the US?

I don't know. Probably a lot of money because it is a really good business.