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Q: What travels around the nucleus in the electron?
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What part of the atom travels around the nucleus?

the electron cloud which consists of the electron(s)

Which subatomic particle has negligible mass and travels around outside the nucleus?

An electron.

What subatomic particle has negligible mass and travels around outside the nucleus?

An electron particle

Where are the nucleus and electron cloud?

nucleus is in the middle and the electron cloud is around it

How can you use atom electron nucleus and electron cloud in the same sentence?

Electron in an atom is represented by electron cloud around the nucleus

How does an electron move around the nucleus?

The electron has the speed of light.

What keep the electron in motion around the nucleus to which it is attracted?

the inter nuclear force of attraction between the nucleus and electron keep it moving in a circular manner around the nucleus

The particle that moves around the nucleus is?

Electrons move around the atomic nucleus.

What is the electron energy level closet to the nucleus of an atom?

The electron energy level closest to the4 nucleus is around 25.4 ev. and the radius is around 7.5 nanometers for an electron around a proton.

Is electron inside a nucleus?

No, electrons spin around the nucleus of an atom.

Where the electron located in an atom?

The electron cloud, around the outside of the nucleus.

A partical that moves around the nucleus is?

an electron