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universal manhood suffrage

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Q: What reforms instituted by the national convention has remained intact since that time?
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Which was not of the reforms instituted by the national Assembly in France?

B. The press was to be monitored by the government

What was not the reforms instituted by the national assembly in France?

The slaves would now all be freed

Which was not one of the reforms was instituted by the National assembly in France?

B. The press was to be monitored by the government

Which was not one one of the reforms instituted by the national assembly in France?

B. The press was to be monitored by the government

Which one was not one of the reforms instituted by the national assembly in France?

B. The press was to be monitored by the government

What are the reforms instituted by the national assembly in France?

people being selfish

What were reforms instituted by the National assembly in France?

The National Assembly attempted to deal with food shortages and consolidated public debt.

Which was not one of the reforms instituted by the national assembly of france?

peasants would be allowed to own their farm land.

How did the Ottoman Empire after the Crimean war?

B. Many democratic reforms were instituted.

Which was not one of the reforms instituted by the Assembly in France?

Slaves were freed

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How did the Ottoman Empire change?

Many democratic reforms were instituted.