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Q: What regulates chemical reactions in the body?
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This is because the nucleus controls the main activities of the cell, and regulates processes and chemical reactions- similar to the brain. Hope this helps! (:

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Chemical reactions in the body take place in what nutrient?

Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

Chemical reactions take place in the body in what nutrient?

Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

What type of protein regulates nearly all chemical reaction in a cell?

An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate of chemical reactions.

What type of protein regulates nearly all chemical reactions in the cell?

That protein would be an enzyme.

How chemicals play an important role in the physiological aspect of the body?

Enzyematic reactions that occur from chemical reactions in the body speed up the activity and physiologically have everything to do with chemical reactions in the body.

What are enzymes..?

Enzymes are a type of protein that significantly speed up the rate of chemical reactions within cells. They are vital for life and serve a wide range of important functions in the body, such as aiding in digestion and metabolism. Enzyme is also a catalyst that regulates the rate at which chemical reactions proceed in living organisms without itself being altered in the process.

What is study of matter and chemical reactions in the body known as?

the study of matter and chemical reactions in the body is known as

How enzymes control chemical reactions?

enzymes helps control chemical reactions by the chemical in it called collagen when enzymes enter your body they create a chemical reactions and controls the chemical reactions you get by eating too much acids.

Do many chemical reactions go on the body?

The number of biochemical reactions in the body is extremely great.

How do enzymes in your body make chemical reactions occur at a safe temperature?

how does enzymes in your body make chemical reactions occur at safe temperature