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The mystery of Catharism is immortality. Cathars possess the secrets of spiritual path to become immortal. Those who have already reached this heights teach their disciples the great keys of divinization and immortality.
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Various religions and philosophies have explored ideas of immortality. For example, in Hinduism, there is the concept of moksha or liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. In Christianity, the promise of eternal life is central to many beliefs. In Taoism, the focus is on achieving immortality through spiritual practices and harmony with nature.

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What religion is sukarno?

Sukarno, the first President of Indonesia, was a Muslim. He was known for blending nationalist and socialist ideologies with Islamic principles.

What religion was developed during the Mughal Empire?

The religion that developed during the Mughal Empire was Sikhism, founded by Guru Nanak in the 15th century in the Punjab region of South Asia. Sikhism emerged in response to the prevailing social and religious conditions of the time and combines elements of Hinduism and Islam.

What was the religion that developed during the Persian Empire?

Zoroastrianism was the religion that developed during the Persian Empire. It was founded by the prophet Zoroaster and promoted the worship of Ahura Mazda as the supreme deity. Zoroastrianism influenced later monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Did Christianity develop independently or was it an adaptation of another religion?

Christianity developed independently as a new religion that emerged within the Greco-Roman world, drawing on Jewish traditions as well. It was influenced by existing religions but was distinct in its teachings, beliefs, and practices.

What religion developed out of brahmanism?

Hinduism developed out of Brahmanism in ancient India. The transition from Brahmanism to Hinduism occurred over time, with the incorporation of new beliefs, practices, and deities into the religion. Hinduism became more inclusive and diverse, allowing for a wider range of spiritual practices and philosophical ideas.

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They both believe in Gods and Goddesses.

What are five stereotypes are commonly based upon?

Five stereotypes commonly based upon are gender roles (e.g. women are more nurturing), racial stereotypes (e.g. all Asians are good at math), age stereotypes (e.g. older people are not tech-savvy), occupation stereotypes (e.g. all lawyers are greedy), and religious stereotypes (e.g. all Muslims are terrorists).

How did religion and philosophy affect the growing American reform movement?

The influence of religion and philosophy on the American reform movement has to do with conflicts of ideologies. It is very difficult to argue political ideologies against ethical or theological perspectives. Usually, these debates make little to no progress.

What give Hidan his immaterialness?

The religion that Hidan worships, which is called the Jashin Religion. the so called "god" in that religion which Hidan refers to as "lord Jashin" grants immortality to those who have sleign in his name. meaning that, he grants immortality to those that follow his laws and rules which are mass murder, torture and so on.

Why did Hinduism develop as a polytheistic religion?

Hinduism developed from the Vedic religion, which was polytheistic.

Why is religion is neessary is your daliy life?

Religion is an ideology it is the same as liberalism, communism, environmentalism, postmodernism, and all the other ism. Now that being said it is possible for a person to have many different ideologies. The reason why religion is necessary in ones life is the same reason other people have ideologies, ideologies are used as a way to make sense of the world or some aspect of their life. Usually religion provides some spiritual aspect to a persons life help them find their own fulfillment. In conclusion religion is nessicary in one's life because it is apart of their daily lives.

Who developed the Hindu religion?

Hinduism is often called the world's oldest religion. As such, no one is credited with developing it. It has no single founder and it wasn't until the 19th century that the word Hinduism emerged as a way of describing a multitude of Indian beliefs and practices.

What were the political ideologies of the US?

The US has many different political ideologies because its people are allowed the freedom of speech. There are many liberal ideals such as equality for everyone and a call for peace. There are also many conservative ideologies which call for people to return to religion and put more power in big business.