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Q: What religion did Leif Erikson practice before Christianity?
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What is Leif Erikson's religion?

Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer who lived in the 10th century, before the widespread conversion to Christianity in Scandinavia. He would have followed the Norse pagan religion, which included belief in gods like Odin, Thor, and Freyja.

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Jesus was a practicing Jew.

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Assyrians practiced Christianity as early as 1900 years ago, but Christianity competed with the historic Assyrian polytheistic religion for another 300-400 years before becoming the dominant religion of the Assyrian people.

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The danish state religion is christianity, and though most danes (around 85%) have been christened a majority don't practice christianity and are only christian by tradition. Before christianity danes believed in the Asa faith.

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Judaism and Christianity.

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Protestant Christianity

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Greco-Roman Paganism/Polytheism.

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Before Christianity, they were pagan.