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Q: What religion did the Vikings adopt to?
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Which religion were the vikings?

was the name of the vikings religion called pagan or asatru

What is vikings religion?

Mostly Anti religion, some pagans.

What religion did the vikings have?

Norse paganism.

What is the religion of the vikings?

Norse paganism.

What religion were the vikings to begin with?


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The Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity as his religion.

What did religion mean to the Vikings?

Absolutely Nothing!!!!!!!!!!

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How did religion affect the vikings to make journeys abroad?

Vikings were Norse Paganists, and their journeys were affected by their religion because they had to please the gods before they could travel.

What religion were the vikings who invaded Ireland?

The ancient Vikings were of the Nordic religion, a folk religion with Thor as the head Guy and a bunch of other gods.

What is the ancient religion of the Norsemen-Vikings?

Norse paganism.

What religion did Van Morrison adopt?

He is not associated with any religion, but has been linked with Scientology.