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The easy answer if they aren't Catholic then they don't believe the Pope is the leader of their faith. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church.

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Q: What religion had followers that believed the pope was not the leader of their faith?
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About one billion are Catholic; but not all practice the faith

How does faith represent a person?

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Hinduism is the world's oldest religion and has over one billion followers. Records show that this faith is around 4,000 years old.

Is Bahá'í Faith a non-religion?

That would probably depend on your criteria for "religion". We - the followers of the Bahá'í Faith - consider it a religion. Note that the Bahá'í Faith has its own founders (the Báb, and Bahá'u'lláh), its own Holy Scriptures, and its own laws.

How is dyslexia related to religion?

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