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Q: What religion was founded that was based on Jesus teaching?
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Which religion's beliefs are based on the teaching of Jesus Christ?

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

What religion is based on the life and teaching of Jesus?

Christianity. The Bible is the 'handbook' for Christians.

Is Christianity based on the life and teachings of Jesus?

Yes, as interpreted by his Disciples. It is also based on the teachings of the Hebrew religion as it existed at the time of Caesar Augustus and Jesus.

What religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad?

Islam is the religion based on the teaching of Muhammad.

On what religion were the teaching of Christianity based?

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, but obviously has a great deal in common with the the moral precepts of Judaism.

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What religion is based on the teaching of Buddha that developed in India?

The religion is Buddhuisim.

What were Jesus' teaching based on?

Love and for giving one another

How was christanity founded?

Christianity developed in the 1st century from Judaism. It is based and founded up the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, son of God.

Why cristianities not isainities for isa masih?

because isa masih does not sayings he bring a new religion as he want to fix their (Israelites) faith that have been corrupted . The Jesus teaching is based on the Old Testaments . Furthermore , Jesus don't mention the word 'Christian' o\and this word is not founded in the Bible.(The Hebrew meaning for 'messiah' is to scrub away , so his duty is just to clean the Israelites faith to the real moses's teaching ( Torah or Old Testament )

Judaism is what kind of religion?

Monotheistic; based upon Divine revelation.

Religion based on the teaching of Muhammad?

The religion is called Islam; the followers are called muslims; their holy book is the Quran.