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Q: What religious religion was the predesesser of the Minoan-Mycenean system?
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Why is Islam a religious term?

Because it is the name of a Religion.

What part of religion is the system of ethics?

Ethics are philosophical. Morals are part of religious systems.

The caste system is a religious belief of what religion?

The caste system is traditionally associated with Hinduism. It is a social hierarchy that divides people into different groups based on their birth and occupation.

What are the religious beliefs of an atheist?

We have no religious beliefs. That is why we are called atheists.

What form of noun is religious?

The word 'religious' is NOT a noun. The word 'religious' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun (a religious community, a religious ceremony, etc.)The word 'religious' is the adjective form of the noun religion, a singular, common, abstractnoun; a word for system of faith and worship; a word for a type of belief systems; a word for a concept.

What does religious affiliation mean?

Religious affiliation refers to a person's involvement or identification with a particular religion or belief system. It indicates the religious group to which an individual belongs, participates in, or aligns themselves with.

An organized system of government religion and culture?

A theocracy is a form of government in which religious leaders hold political power, often basing laws and policies on religious beliefs. It intertwines government and religion, with religious principles influencing societal norms and cultural practices within the society.

What is meaning of the word secular?

Secular refers to things that are not religious or spiritual in nature, or that are not connected to a particular religious belief system. It can also refer to the separation of religion and government in a society.

Do french people have a religious system?

The French represent many world religions, but as a people the French do not have a religion that is specifically theirs.

What is true of a secular activity?

A secular activity is not tied to any specific religion or belief system. It is typically characterized by being non-religious or not associated with religious practices or beliefs.

How does Darwin's theory of evolution contradict religion?

Evolution does not contradict religion itself. It contradicts the interpretation of a religious text as a literal description of biology. By the same token, the solar system contradicts the interpretation of religious text as meaning the Earth is the center of the Universe.

Who are the people who have no religion?

They vary. There are atheists, agnostics, and people who consider themselves "spiritual but not religious", and many people who have their own belief system that don't affiliate or identify with any particular religion.