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its velocity, which is a vector.

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Q: What represents both the magnitude of speed and its direction?
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Why is velocity a vector quantity?

Velocity refers to both speed and direction. A vector refers to both magnitude (the speed in this case) and a direction. Speed without reference to a direction is a scalar, a magnitude without direction.

What is acceleration since it has magnitude and direction?

Acceleration is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction.

Is speed a scalar quantity or vector quantity?

Speed is a scalar quantity because it has magnitude but not direction, velocity is a vector quantity because it has magnitude and direction.

What includes both the speed of an the direction it is moving?

A Vector quantity accounts for both magnitude and direction.

What is ment by velocity?

Velocity is a vector quantity that has both a magnitude and direction. It represents how fast something is moving and what direction it is traveling. Speed is commonly mistaken for velocity and substituted as equals. However, speed is a scalar quantity and only has a magnitude component. Speed only refers to how fast something is going. It tells nothing of its direction..

Is speed velocity in a given direction?

Yes , speed in a given direction is called velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that is it has both magnitude as well as direction.

How is velocity and speed different?

Velocity has a direction.

Why is speed a scalar quantity but a velocity a vector quantity?

Speed is only a magnitude (single value) while velocity is both magnitude and direction. Direction is a vector.

In velocity do you put the direction?

Yes, always. Velocity is a vector, meaning it has both a magnitude and a direction. You must account for the direction. Speed is the magnitude of velocity and has no direction.

What is needed to change speed into a velocity?

You have a velocity when both a speed and a direction is specified. This kind of magnitude is known as a "vector" - that is, when it is relevant to state a direction, as well as a magnitude, we speak about "vectors".

Why can velocity be negative but nonzero speed is always positive?

speed is a scalar quantity with magnitude only but no direction; velocity is a vector with both magnitude (speed) AND direction, which could be positive or negative

Is velocity scalars or vectors?

It is a vector since it has both a magnitude and a direction. Scalar quantities only have a magnitude.