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very tight contour lines

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Q: What represents hilltops on maps?
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Related questions

Is wind stronger on hilltops or in valleys?

On hilltops

What does the color blue represents on most maps?

The blue on maps represents lakes,oceans, seas,aka water

What symbols represents on a map?

The symbol that usually represents cities on a maps are dots.

Why are house put on hilltops?

Because houses on hilltops have such a great view of what's around and below.

What color represents man made features on military maps?


What do maps represent?

A map represents a 'birds-eye view' of the ground below.

What do maps blueprints layouts and floor plans represents?

a location drawn to scale

How do topographic maps represents the earth's surface?

Topographic maps represent the Earth's surface because they show elevation in addition to distance and direction.

What do maps and globes represent?

A flat map represents a birds-eye view of the land below. A globe represents (loosely) a satellite view of the world.

What type of map may distort size but represents something other than the true land area?

Relative population density maps, height elevation maps, and mineral deposit maps are all I can think of.

How does the depth of the water tables differ in stream valleys swampy areas and hilltops?

In swampy areas, the water table is very close to the surface. In streams it is lower and in hilltops it is very low.

A picture in a map key that represents an object?

A picture in a map key that represents an object is a symbol. Maps use keys to explain the meaning of each symbol on the map.