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10x dollars

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Q: What represents the monetary value of x 10-dollar bills?
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too easy ... 20 10's and 50 1's

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The Monetary Value is 10 cents. The intrinsic value is about $2.50. The numismatic value is $3.00.

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The monetary value of uranium is 10 dollars per gram and i dont give a ****

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The English monetary unit is the pound sterling (£).

What is USD and EUR and are they important?

USD is the short form for the United States Dollar. It represents the USA currency. The EUR represents the Euro, the european union currency. They are important bacause they represent different monetary values. An EUR has a greater value than an USD.

How would you use monetary in a sentence?

These days, the monetary value of houses is increasing rapidly.

How do you use Monetary in sentence?

The monetary value of an object can increase or decrease over time.

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Love from others

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