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Q: What represents the number of sound waves passing a given point in air each second called?
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What is is The number of waves passing a point per second?


What is a number of wave lengths passing a given point per second called?


Number of waves passing in a second?

That is called the frequency of the wave.That is called the frequency of the wave.That is called the frequency of the wave.That is called the frequency of the wave.

The number of waves passing through a given point during the interval of one second?

That's called the frequency.

What is the number of wave crests that pass a place in one second called?

The number of wave crests passing a given place in one second is the frequency of the wave given in cycles per second, or Hertz.

What is the number of energy waves passing a point in one second?

One Second.

The number of waves passing a point in one second is?


If the number of waves passing a point each second goes up what hppens to the frequency?

The phrase "the number of waves passing a point each second" is a definition of frequency.So if that number increases, then the frequency increases, by definition.

Frequency is the number of complete what passing a point each second?


What is the value of the 3 in each of these numbers 920.01313.667 310.554 42.536?

In the first number, 3 represents 3 thousandths. In the second number, 3 represents 3 ones. In the third number, 3 represents 3 hundreds. In the fourth number, 3 represents 3 hundredths.

What is it called when the second number is a facotor of the first number?

In that event, the first number is called a "multiple" of the second number.

What is the frequncey of a wave?

Frequency of the wave is the number of crests passing at a point in one second. Actually crests are not passing through, but it appears so.