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Q: What resource was phoemcia well known for?
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What was the well known resource of Phoenicia?

Cedar wood

What is the well known resource for Phoenicia?

The purple dye made from shellfish.

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One well known website is Another great resource is

What resource was Phoenicia well known for?

Cedar timber and purple dye from shellfish.

What resource were the Phonecians well known?

Timber, dyes, foodstuffs, trading ships, warships.

What is a shared resource?

Well, a shared resource is something that is like a natural resource but it is shared so that makes it a "Shared Resource".

Which career resource book is not published by the government?

"What Color is Your Parachute?" by Richard N. Bolles is a popular career resource book that is not published by the government. It is a well-known resource for job seekers and provides advice on aspects of career planning and job hunting.

What is resource planning?

planning which is widely accept strategy for judicious and use of resource and which has enormous diversity in the availability of resource are known as resource has importance in India also.

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WHAT IS THE Meaning of acronym URL?

Uniform Resource Locator , also known as Universal Resource Locator.

What resources does Czech Republic bring to the eu?

By far the most important resource of the Czech Republic is its people who are well known for a high level of education.