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Q: What resources are used for ict in schools?
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What are the characteristics and unique capabilities of the ICT resources?

ICT resources such as online information can be accessed from anywhere by students on a particular course. ICT resources can also be easily updated using computer programs.

Difference between ICT and IT?

ict is often used in schools and it is quite the oposite

What are the importance's of ict in schools?

ICT in schools facilitates interactive and engaging learning experiences, enhances communication between students and teachers, and provides access to a vast array of educational resources. It also helps students develop digital literacy skills that are essential for success in the modern world.

How ict is used in school?

doing work in computers are easier than taking notes. it saves a lot of time.

What ict mean?

ICT means interactive computer technology. In schools, etc it stands for Information & Communication Technology.

What does ICT mean?

ICT means interactive computer technology. In schools, etc it stands for Information & Communication Technology.

What are oxfams functional areas?

Administration Human resources fundraising Ict

Why do schools support computers for children's use?

Of course Schools support computers to students as part of their ICT lessons.

ICT in sports?

ICT is used in sports to determine how sports injuries occur for example. ICT is also used to detect false starts.

ICT used in hospital?

ict is used in hospitals for a number of reasons. it is easier and more fun

Is a microwave oven an ict tool?

a microwave oven is an ict tool as there are ict used in the production of it and in the way it works.

What resources do they have in Gambian schools?

Some schools are well resourced but other (mainly village schools) have few resources.