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Muslims that translated ancient Greek text into Arabic helped to preserve the ancient texts of many scholars. For example, the works of Aristotle and Euclid were available to later Europeans via Latin translations of the Arabic translations of the original Greek. The western Renaissance as we know it would not have happened if the Arabic intermediary text didn't exist.

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Q: What resulted from Muslim scholars translating Greek text into Arabic?
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How did Muslim scholars contribute to the scientific revolution?

Muslim Scholars translated Greek writtings into Arabic and they studied it for centries and added their own ideas later Arabic versions were translated into Latin which was read in Europe.

Did the Muslim scholars study the greek and the roman?

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How did Muslim scholars preserve the writings of Plato and Aristotle?

Muslim scholars in the Abbasid Caliphate translated the works of Plato and Aristotle from Greek into Arabic. They preserved the writings by translating, studying, and commenting on them, recognizing their value for philosophy and science. These translations were later reintroduced to Western Europe during the Renaissance, contributing to the revival of classical knowledge.

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The Greek philosopher who was studied by Muslim scholars was Aristotle. His works were translated into Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age, and his ideas had a significant influence on Islamic philosophy and science.

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The common language of the Muslims is Arabic. It helps the Muslim scholars to understand one another and to preac Islam through out the whole Muslim world.

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