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Q: What results from the combination of Nitrogen and Water?
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Can nitrogen rust?

No: Rusting occurs by the combination of ferrous metals with oxygen from air or water, and nitrogen can not form the same compounds as oxygen does.

Can nitrogen rust things?

No: Rusting occurs by the combination of ferrous metals with oxygen from air or water, and nitrogen can not form the same compounds as oxygen does.

Are nitrogen and water elements?

Nitrogen, yes. Water, no. Water is a compound of the elements oxygen and hydrogen.

What does nitrogen have to protect steel from water?

Nitrogen doesn't protect steel from water,

Why is nitrogen denser than water?

Wrong, nitrogen is less dense than water!

Is nitrogen denser than water?

Wrong, nitrogen is less dense than water!

Does oxygen and nitrogen contain water?

No; oxygen, nitrogen, and water are all separate elements.

Which of these is the best insulator of heat water or nitrogen?


Is water vapor nitrogen?

No, water vapour is water. Nitrogen is around 72% of the air we breath but is not found in water, steam or vapour.

What will happen if you will add hot water to liquid nitrogen?

It depends on how much water, how hot it is, and how much liquid nitrogen there is. The water will initially cause the liquid nitrogen to boil; if there's enough water and it's hot enough, it may make the nitrogen boil explosively. However, if there's enough nitrogen, it will eventually freeze the water.

Is nitrogen over water?

The atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. The atmosphere is above most of the water on Earth.

Does nitrogen exist in the biosphere because of plant fertilizers?

Yes, nitrogen exists in the biosphere because of plant fertilizers. It is present because of the nitrogen cycle in the atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere. Its presence nevertheless results from the combination of atmospheric fixation through lightning, biological nitrogen fixation through symbiotic relationships of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with host plants and industrial fixation at temperatures of 600 degrees Celsius (1112 degrees Fahrenheit).