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the serfs owed loyalty (service, basically slavery) to the lord or king in exchange for protection in a time of war

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Q: What reward were the serf's promised from the church?
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Why did serfs agree to work for nobles?

because the lord promised to give them land

Why do the serfs go to the Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

they supported the church because it was an extremely important and religious place.

What code do the serfs follow?

Serfs had obligations to their lords, usually to work the lands and provide food. In exchange for this, they got a place to live and work, and a measure of protection and security. They were legally bound to the land and were not allowed to leave it; the other side of this is that the lord was not allowed to put them off either because that was part of the security he had to provide. Serfs had obligations to church and God. They attended church, prayed, and believed they would be appropriately rewarded in the afterlife.

Did the clergy take care of serfs?

The clergy and the Church sometimes advocated for serfs. The popes and bishops put pressure on members of the nobility to treat serfs well, and even issued decrees about such things as the safety of serfs in time of war. The churches and monasteries also provided sanctuary for people who were fugitives of whatever sort. In some cases a fugitive from justice had to be turned over to authorities after he had sufficient time to consider his crime, confess and do penance, which might be six weeks. In other cases, the sanctuary of the church or monastery was permanent, regardless of who the fugitive was, why the fugitive was wanted, or who was after him.

What were the different classes in the middle ages?

Church King peasant serf

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They went to church.

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Why did serfs agree to work for nobles?

because the lord promised to give them land

What was the serfs roles in the church during feudal Europe?

A serf is a slave and a slave has no role in the church.

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Christianity promised freedom

Why do the serfs go to the Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

they supported the church because it was an extremely important and religious place.

How did serfs worship?

Everyone went to the Catholic church services several times a week.

How did the manor system work during the Middle ages?

there is a lord solders and priest

What were promised to Christians to get them join to the crusades?

Christians were promised forgiveness and a spot in heaven if they joined the crusades.

Were Muslims promised anything for fighting in the crusades?

high positions in the Church

Who did serfs work for in the manor system?

The serfs worked for the owner of the land they farmed and lived on. This could be a member of the nobility, a lesser member of the gentry, the king himself, or even some Church organization. Serfs were organized by a person called a reeve, who was himself a serf, appointed by the lord or elected by the body of the serfs on a manor.

When did roast dinner start?

"Sunday Roast dates back to when the squire would treat his serfs to a meal of roast oxen every Sunday to reward them for the week's work."