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Some words that rhyme with "weary" include cheery, teary, and query.

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Q: What rhymes with weary besides dreary and leery?
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Related questions

What rhymes with querie?

weary leery nearly dearly deary merely teary these are the closest you can get, that I know of. some of these are English slang.

What is dark and rainy and rhymes with weary?


What rhymes with teary?

Leery, weary, query, eerie, bleary, cheery.

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Is midnight an adjective in midnight dreary?

"Midnight" is the noun in the phrase "midnight dreary." "Dreary" is the adjective that is describing "midnight."In the English language, the adjective usually comes before the noun, however; the phrase "midnight dreary" comes from Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," in which Poe places "dreary" after "midnight" in order to set up the rhyme with "weary" that follows: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary...." The inverted syntax is also indicative of the time period in which Poe was writing.

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What are two syllable rhyming words for cheery gossip?

Weary daisy Dreary posy

The use of the words weary dreary and bleak in The Raven contribute to?

The use of the words "weary," "dreary," and "bleak" in The Raven contributes to the overall atmosphere of desolation and despair in the poem. These words help create a sense of gloom and hopelessness, reflecting the narrator's emotional state as he grapples with grief and loss. They also enhance the tone of melancholy and sorrow that pervades the poem.

What rhymes with domino theory?

very weary

What are all of the nouns in this Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore While I nodded nearly napping suddenly ther?

midnight, dreary, weak, weary, volume, lore, napping

What rhymes with summary?

beery, bleary, cheery, dearie, dreary, Dun Laoghaire, eerie, eyrie (US aerie), Kashmiri, leery, peri, praemunire, query, smeary, teary, theory, weary- Deirdre - incendiary - intermediary- subsidiary- auxiliary, ciliary, domiciliary- apiary - topiary - farriery - furriery- justiciary- bestiary, vestiary- breviary - aviary - hosiery- diary, enquiry, expiry, fiery, friary, inquiry, miry, priory, spiry, wiry- podiatry, psychiatry- dowry, floury, flowery, loury, showery, towery- brewery - jewellery

What rhymes with Erie?

ferris as in ferris wheel