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If the patient is having epidural anesthesia, the risks include bleeding into the spinal canal, nerve damage, or a spinal headache.

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Q: What risk does an orchiectomy patient have when an epidural is used?
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When is an orchiectomy used to prevent cancer?

An orchiectomy is sometimes done to prevent cancer when an undescended testicle is found in a patient who is beyond the age of puberty.

Does Medicare cover the cost of epidural?

We provide anesthesia services. Medicare has reimbursed for epidurals when used appropriately. We have never had an obstetrical epidural billed to Medicare. Medicare has also paid for the daily management of a patient on an epidural.

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Ketamine is a dissociative sedative in used emergency medicine mostly in animals. However it can be used so that a patient will not remember his surgery if an epidural is used.

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Speakerphone can only be used if there is nobody else in the room except for the doctor or patient. Otherwise the risk of violating patient confidentiality is at risk.

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Epidural anesthesia can block most of the pain of labor and birth for vaginal and surgical deliveries. Epidural analgesia is also used after cesarean sections

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FRAX stands for fracture risk assessment. To calculate the risk of fracture of a patient, a FRAX online calculator is used. It is a clinical assessment tool developed by WHO.

What does the medical terminology 'flight risk' mean?

"Flight risk" in medical records means "Patient might run away, leave without notice." A risk is a possibility that carries a level of danger of a negative outcome. So, for example, if a patient is a "Fall Risk", the patient's mental or physical condition carries a level of danger that could make the patient apt to fall if allowed up without assistance. A patient whose mental or emotional condition carries a level of danger that could make the patient decide to leave or run away, or to wander away (whether with or without pre-planning of the act) would be a "Flight Risk". However, the phrase flight risk is more often used in medical documentation about someone who is on a psych unit or is under police custody while a patient in a hospital.

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Some surgical procedures require the patient to not be overweight. Being overweight can cause multiple complications that increase the risk in surgery. Medical weight loss eliminates that risk.

What side effects can occur when regional anesthetics are used during labor and delivery?

Anesthetics can prolong labor and increase the risk of requiring a cesarean section . Doctors should discuss the risks and benefits associated with epidural or spinal anesthesia with pregnant patients

What does an epidural help you on?

During labor. Epidural analgesia, sometimes called an epidural block, causes some loss of feeling in the lower areas of your body, yet you remain awake and alert. An epidural block may be given soon after your contractions start, or later as your labor progresses. An epidural block with more or stronger medications (anesthetics, not analgesics) can be used for a cesarean delivery or if vaginal birth requires the help of forceps or vacuum extraction. Your doctors will work with you to determine the proper time to give the epidural.