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Ceasar crossed the Rubicon River to get to Rome I think.

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Q: What river did Caesar cross to march to ROme?
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What was Caesar responded to the senate and Pompey?

The senate was angry with Caesar. He was hugely popular with the plebians, and he had overstayed his term as proconsul Gaul, so they feared he might be planning an attack on Rome to take control of the Republic. So, they called for Caesar to lay down his arms and return to Rome for punishment. Caesar didn't accept their proposal, refusing to return for punishment for something he hadn't even done. The Senate then convinced Pompey (One of the two Consuls of Rome, the other one being Caesar himself) to mark Caesar as a traitor, and declare him an enemy of Rome. Caesar was displeased when he heard this, and decided to cross the Rubicon river and march on Rome. After defeating the armies of Pompey and the Senate at multiple battles, Caesar became Dictator of the Roman Republic.

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The senate was angry with Caesar. He was hugely popular with the plebians, and he had overstayed his term as proconsul of Gaul, so they feared he might be planning an attack on Rome to take control of the Republic. So, they called for Caesar to lay down his arms and return to Rome for punishment. Caesar didn't accept their proposal, refusing to return for punishment for something he hadn't even done. The Senate then convinced Pompey (One of the two Consuls of Rome, the other one being Caesar himself) to mark Caesar as a traitor, and declare him an enemy of Rome. Caesar was displeased when he heard this, and decided to cross the Rubicon river and march on Rome. After defeating the armies of Pompey and the Senate at multiple battles, Caesar became Dictator of the Roman Republic.

Who was stabbed to death in Rome in March 44 BCE?

Gaius Julius Caesar, Dictator of Rome.

Who is involved in the Ides of March?

In ancient Rome the Ides of March, March 15 was the day Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman Senators who feared that Caesar wanted to become a king. So Caesar and his enemies in the senate were involved in the Ides of March.

Who does Caesar defeat that enables him to march triumphantly back into rome?


Who was the dictator and consul of Rome who was assassinated on the ides of March?

Gaius Julius Caesar.

Why did Brutus go to the capitol on March 15th?

To eliminate Caesar for the sake of Rome.

What river did ceaser cross on his final assault on rome?


Why is the rubicon river important?

The Rubicon river, in Caesar's time, was the boundary between Gaul and Italy. Caesar had been ordered by the senate to disband his army and come to Rome for trial. This was an insult to Caesar and to his army. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon into Italy he began the civil war which, at its conclusion, left Caesar in supreme power.

What is the name of the river that Caesar crossed that started a civil war in Rome?

Rubicon - returning legions had to be disbanded at that river north of Rome so that there was no suggestion that they were marching on the city.

Julius Caesar versus rome Who won?

Juilius Caesar won. He became Rome's first emperor for life (self-appointed). People he had appointed to the Senate, friends of his, actually, murdered him out of fear for his power on March 15. March 15 is now known as the Ides of March.

Who said alea iacta est?

Caesar, when he crossed the river Rubicon before entering Rome.