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Q: What rivers are important to transportation?
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Which statement best describes how Europe has been affected by its many rivers A. The rivers have provided important transportation routes. B. The rivers have isolated certain parts of Europe?

The rivers provided important transportation routes.

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The Tigris and Euphrates rivers were important because they allowed for trade and transportation.

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The Tigris and Euphrates were the two most important rivers used for transportation and crops

Why were the rivers important in Europe?

Rivers were used as transportation and trade routes in Europe. They were the easiest way to trade goods

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Why were the network of rivers in the south important?

I dont know give me a fuucckking answer

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transportation, food resource, water resource

Why is the Volga river important to Russia?

because its a vital transportation route. Canals connect it and other rivers of European Russia.

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Rivers were an important means of transportation. Whoever controlled the rivers could ship troops and supplies where they liked.

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For agriculture and transportation reasons.

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