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When granite is subjected to enough heat and pressure, it becomes a metamorphic rock called gneiss.

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Q: What rock comes after granite Is subjected to enough heat and pressure in the rock cycle?
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Why do they call granite granite?

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The scientific name for red granite is typically "granite". Granite is a type of igneous rock made up of quartz, feldspar, and other minerals. The red color in granite comes from the presence of iron oxide minerals.

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Describe how the granite of a mountain could change first into sandstone and then into quartize?

First of all, the granite erodes. This means the original rock breaks down due to weathering. Wind, water, ice, they can all do that. As the rock breaks down into smaller and smaller parts, it eventually turns into sand. The sand is then deposited somewhere (let's say a beach), and then buried under more sand. As more and more layers of sand get on top of the original sand, there is more pressure, and eventually, the pressure becomes big enough to turn the sand into sandstone. But the process of sedimentation doesn't stop, and after enough time, there is enough pressure to deform the sandstone. This is where metamorphism enters the stage. As more and more pressure is added, the volume of the sandstone decreases. Now, there are different ways in which the volume of something can be decreased. That is removing the empty space, and putting the atoms in a crystalline texture. As the sand originally comes from granite - which is a very silica rich rock - there will be a lot of silica in the sandstone. The crystal that forms then, will be largely silica. Pure quartz is 100% silica. So if the sandstone that we have starts to form crystals to decrease it's volume under pressure, we get the quartzite.

At what point does a star turn on?

A star 'turns on' when it becomes large enough that there is enough pressure squeezing its insides to start a nuclear reaction. The pressure comes from gravity of the mass of the star. the planet Jupiter could become a star if it got significantly larger.