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Q: What rock is a fossil imprint of a fern leaf most likely found in?
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Related questions

What continents was a fern located on?

Ferns and their fossil remains have been found on every continent

What is the fossil that was found on different continents and was used to support the theory of continental drift?

There was a lot of fossils that were found but the most interesting one is the plant called Glossopteris, it was the only seed-fern plant fossil found.

What are fern fossils?

frozen fossil

How do you make an fosill on alchemy on iPhone?

Fossil = butterfly + earth fossil = fern + earth Fossil + life = Zombie :)

Where is fern found in Jamaica?

ferns can be found in fern gully

Is the outline of a fern found in a rock a fossil?

i bet ur doin that spring break science test right? well the answer is sedimentary. fossils of fern leaves would most likely be found in sedimentary rocks. your welcome

How can you classify into 2 groups a pecten fossil fern fossil petrified tree and a dinosaur footprint trace?

plant and anamels

Why are their many fossil imprints of ferns?

Because fern is a popular plant now and in the dinosaur days

Where is birds nest fern found?

In tropical rain forests it is found as epiphyte on trees. Since the older leaves of this fern form a nest like structure it is called Birds' nest fern.

What fossil fern supported wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

The fossils were of Glossopteris (extinct seed ferns).

What month does a cinnamon fern bloom?

Information on the use of Cinnamon fern can be found at the below link.

Fern fossil found in Africa Australia India south America and antarctica?

The discovery of Glossopteris supports Wegner's continental drift by sowing that the continents were once put together but drifted apart over time. This is how Glossopteris was found on 5 different continents.