

What rock is formed by fire?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Igneous rock.

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Q: What rock is formed by fire?
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What type of rock is fire formed?


What type of rock is sometimes called the fire formed rock?

They're igneous rocks, as they are formed from molten magma/ lava

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they are formed from air and grass water rock and fire when you put them together

Which type of metamorphic rock means formed in fire?

Thermal metamorphism.

What is fiery about igneouse rocks?

Nothing they do not burn. However igneous rock are those formed from molten rock so in the respect that a fire is hot, igneous rocks formed from hot magma.

What is the term for rock formed from magma or lava?

Intrusive igneous rocks are thusly formed.

Is a shell an igneous rock?

No. Igneous means formed from molten rock- and a shell was made by a living creature- not by fire. Shells can form sedimentary rocks, such as limestone.

Why is an igneous rock called a igneous?

there's a Latin word called "igneus" which means fire and the igneous rock is formed by lava, but that's a different subject.

When was the rock formed?

Rock was formed when the earth was made.

What is the rock called that is formed from molten rock?

The rock formed from molten rock is IGNEOUS

What rock can be formed on the eyjafjallajokull volcano?

The rock that is formed is an igneous rock. It's formed when the magma aka lava cools down it turns into a rock which is an igneous rock.

What is a fire rock?

A fire rock is also known as an igneous rock. Though it is called a fire rock it is actually made from hardened lava, not fire.