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James Madison was the author of the Constitution. He combined the many What_role_did_James_Madison_play_in_the_Constitutional_Convention_of_1787of different representatives of all 13 states and put their ideas into written words.

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Q: What role did Madison play in the convention?
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What was James Madison role at the constitutional convention?

James Madison's role at the constitutional convention was to take notes of what every body said.

What was James Madison's role at the convention?

it was to make the laws and amendments

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Madison played such an important role in the writing of the US Constitution that he is still called the Father of the Constitution.

Was the intellectual leader of the constitutional convention James Madison?

Yes, James Madison is widely regarded as the intellectual leader of the Constitutional Convention. He played a key role in shaping the convention's agenda, contributing to the drafting of the Virginia Plan, and playing an active role in the debates and discussions. Madison's ideas and proposals formed the basis for much of the final Constitution of the United States.

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james madison plad the consitution role..<3

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What role did James Madison play at the constitutional convention?

James Madison wrote everyone said at the Constitutional Convention (Except for when Patrick Henry spoke, James Madison really thought that Patrick Henry just wanted to hear himself talk). He is sometimes referred to as the "Father of the Constitution". He also came up with some ideas. James Madison even showed up 11 days early at Philadelphia.

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Why did Madison and Madison call for a constitutional convention?

Madison and Hamilton called for a constitutional convention because they wanted the Americans to get there rights.

How did bailee Madison become famous?

Bailee Madison Became famous in a play. She got the lead role.